Built2Move Allied Health
Privacy, Liability and Consent Policy
Privacy, Liability and Consent Policy
I hereby agree that the information given is accurate to the best of my knowledge and warrant myself to be physically fit and mentally sound to engage into an exercise program at the Centre or Online. Our Centre has a Privacy Policy on the collection, use, disclosure and security information obtained from our patients.
I hereby acknowledge that information is required to be collected at Built2Move to provide me with an effective service and appropriate health care management. I consent and authorize the collection of information by the practitioners at Built2Move and agree that my records may be retained for the future health care treatment.
I consent to information regarding my condition, treatment and management being given to, and received by Doctors, other treatment providers, hospital, pathology, radiological services and or one of the following third-party bodies - Please circle the appropriate third party if relevant ie.: Workcover, ICWA, Insurance Company.
I hereby agree that video footage of my session is collected at Built2Move for the purposes of monitoring and surveillance. No footage from security cameras will be used for the general public, marketing, advertising or social media.
I, and if being a minor, my parent/s, guardian/s for and on behalf of myself, acknowledge that during such times as I am present on the premises of or included in any activity external to the premises which is organised, approved or endorsed by the Centre as an activity for me to take part in, both my property and person shall be at my own risk and I will not hold the Centre liable for any personal injury or loss of property which may arise from the negligence of the Centre, it's servants, agents, independent contractors, voluntary workers, Date other users of the facility or participants in the activities or spectators or other parties providing services through or in the facilities of the Centre.