Built2Move Allied Health

What is an Exercise Physiologist? How are they different to a Physiotherapist?
What is an Exercise Physiologist? How are they different to a Physiotherapist?
Exercise Physiologists are the most qualified allied health professionals in Australia when it comes to exercise prescription. We are specifically trained for a variety of health conditions including all forms of disability. Exercise Physiologists must undertake a minimum of 4 years of university to become accredited. Exercise Physiologists are also trained to work with children and elderly, meaning we can work with people of all ages.
Exercise Physiologists are different to Physiotherapists in a number of ways. The main way we differ is that Physiotherapists specialise in the acute phases of injury (early stages) and Exercise Physiologists specialise in the chronic phases (long term conditions/injuries). Physiotherapists also provide much more physical and hands on treatment, such as massage. An Exercise Physiologist will not massage a patient unless they are specifically trained in massage therapy.

How Can I Begin Working With an Exercise Physiologist?
To begin working with an Exercise Physiologist, you don't need a referral from your Doctor. All you need to do is schedule an appointment with an Exercise Physiologist and they will handle the rest. For the NDIS, you will fill out a service agreement, plan goals and book a subsequent session. You can always ask your support coordinator if they could refer you to an Exercise Physiologist as they often have practitioners they know and trust.
For WorkCover and Private Health/Private Payments you can simply contact us and book in an initial consult. The Exercise Physiologist will get a background of your conditions and develop a plan for you moving forward with the management of your conditions.
If you have a Medicare referral from your GP, you can contact us and we can use your Medicare referral to subsidise your sessions. If you're ever unsure, just contact us and we'll help you with getting booked in!

What Results Will I see When Working With an Exercise Physiologist?
Everyone is an individual. However, in a general sense, you will expect to see a significant improvement in all forms of day to day function, improvements in strength, balance and coordination. Exercise also plays a significant role with improving and managing mental health. Exercise is recommended to assist with the management of all mental and physical health conditions.

When should you refer to an Exercise Physiologist?
Exercise Physiologists are qualified to treat all chronic health conditions. If a patient or even a friend has a condition which is considered chronic (e.g. had the same problem for more than 8-12 weeks), then a referral to an Exercise Physiologist may be perfect for them.

How Much does an Exercise Physiologist cost?
How Much does an Exercise Physiologist cost?